Blogger Touch

Mobile Edition
By Blogger Touch

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How FastCopy Works:-

For Different Hard Disk drive: If the operation is carried between two different hard drives then reading and writing are done with the MultiThreading in parallel.For Same Hard disk drive: But if the copy operation is carried within the same harddisk drive then it is performed using big buffer, reading until the buffer becomes full, and writing in bulk.

Since Read/Write do not use the cache memory of Operating System at all, other application do not become heavy easily. It operates lightly because MFC is not used, and it makes it only from Win32 API. The source codes have been opened to the public in the BSD license, you are free modify this software.
Name: FastCopy
Size: 236 KB
License: Freeware
Operating system: All windows operating systems
Click Here to Download FastCopy.

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